We offer excellence in research training at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Research projects on any aspect of evolutionary and behavioural ecology will be considered.
Projects specific to current research interests are offered annually and interested students should contact Centre members directly.
Future honours students should read our research profiles, then contact the researchers directly.
UWA has a range of postgraduate research scholarships available for local (domestic) students, including Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA), and University Postgraduate Awards (UPA).
However, in order to attract highly qualified overseas and Australian graduates to postgraduate research at the University, a small number of scholarships are available for allocation outside the normal processes.
The final date for acceptance of such applications is 30 June for IPRS candidates and 30 September for APA candidates. Applications may be made at any time up to these dates.
Applications from postdoctoral researchers are always welcome.
Funding opportunities are available for international researchers through various home funding bodies such as The Royal Society in the UK. There are also opportunities for researchers from the European Union via the Sixth Framework Program, which offers Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowships. These fellowships offer two years in the host country plus a repatriation year in the country of origin.
Postdoctoral fellows under schemes from the UK, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, and Finland have spent time in the Centre for Evolutionary Biology.
There is the potential for additional funding to be sought to extend the duration of fellowships for those receiving their funding from eligible countries, via the Australian Research Council (ARC).
Applications must be submitted through UWA's Research Grants Office, which also provides information about the ARC's variety of grants, postdoctoral fellowships and awards. The Centre for Evolutionary Biology has always received strong support from the ARC. The deadline for applications for Australian Postdoctoral Fellowships is usually in February of the year prior to the start date.
The Group of Eight Australian Universities offers European Fellowships to early career researchers from selected countries, for visits of up to six months duration.