Centre for Evolutionary Biology

Centre for Evolutionary Biology

We are a University of Western Australia Centre of Excellence, delivering excellence in research, and research training. Our people adopt a multidisciplinary approach to explore selective processes acting on the morphological and life-history traits of whole organisms and their gametes. We have particular expertise in acoustic signalling, predator-prey interactions, visual ecology, sperm competition, chemical ecology, and the genetic mapping of complex traits.

We are funded through the Australian Research Council, industry partners, and the University of Western Australia.

Our research ? which addresses evolutionary questions in diverse organisms, from plants to insects, fishes, frogs, and humans ? generates new knowledge that feeds into conservation and natural resource outcomes.

We offer excellence in research training at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including master's and PhD scholarships, with many opportunities available.

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Centre for Evolutionary Biology

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Last updated:
Tuesday, 22 August, 2023 4:54 PM
